Saturday, December 31, 2011

For Today: December 31st

The means by which certain pleasures are gained bring pains many times greater than the pleasures.

There is no telling what price I may have to pay for breaking my abstinence “just this once.”  It could be nothing at all, or a trip back to the pits of compulsive overeating.

But the truth is, I do not have to take that chance.  It is irrational to feel guilty about refusing food and drink I don’t want.  If absolutely pushed to the wall, I can say, “I’m sorry, it doesn’t agree with me.”  Which is all too true.

I have already paid dearly for the “pleasures” of compulsive overeating.  Then, when I could no longer pay the price, I surrendered, admitted my powerlessness and turned myself over to the Power that still directs my life.

For Today:  No holiday dinner, no party, no celebration can persuade me to give up the freedom I enjoy as long as I am abstinent.


Amen! No holiday party or dinner, no celebration of any kind can persuade me to give up the FREEDOM I enjoy AS LONG AS I am abstinent.
If I give up that freedom, 'just this once,' there may be no coming back.  Taking that first compulsive bite can lead me off track, and back into the black hole of despair known as compulsive overeating.

If I wake up my taste-buds by feeding them trigger foods, who knows if and when I'll get them back to sleep!

I eat plain and unfussy foods for that very reason: To keep my addiction in remission.

Should I choose to risk it ALL by eating off plan, then I put my addiction back in charge and I squash my freedom like a bug.

For today, I will not take that chance. For today, I will not risk my program for anyONE or anyTHING.  I will not worry about tomorrow, either, and throw myself into a panic worrying about 'never' or 'forever.'

For today, I can do ANYTHING!

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