Sunday, December 25, 2011

For Today: December 25th

The only gift is a portion of thyself.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

If it were not for others sharing their experience, strength and hope, where would I be?  Where else could I have learned of the OA program except from another?  I have been given hope and a way out of a dilemma.  I have seen my own compulsive nature, learned of my self-delusions and experienced honesty from another.  I learned to share my story from listening to others, and I learned to stay abstinent through the fellowship I found in Overeaters Anonymous.  God works through people----people who carry the message.

Am I as willing to give of myself as those who gave to me?

For Today:  Is there someone to whom I can give of myself----my time, my presence, my attention?


If it were not for the fellowship of OA, I would still be suffering from the disease of compulsive overeating.  By sharing their experience, strength & hope, my fellow OAs enabled me to realize that I was not alone with my problems, and there was indeed hope for me as well!
Hearing others speak honestly of the ravages of their disease, I felt like I too could discuss my illness honestly, and accept it for what it is: a progressive & killing disorder.

When I spread the word of OA, I bring hope to of myself; my time my presence & my attention, I help knit together the fabric of recovery.

Alone, we are are but one.  Together, we are an unstoppable force.  1+1=3

Merry Christmas to all the faithful readers out there. May you have a blessed holiday & a peaceful new year.

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