Thursday, December 15, 2011

For Today: December 15th

Don’t fight your problem. Know that there is a solution.
Joseph Murphy

When I fight, or resist, a problem, I am actually giving it strength and weakening my chances of finding a solution. 

If I think constructively about a problem, a course of action will present itself. Constructive thinking is to know that a Power greater than myself is directing me, and that this Power already has the answer.

In asking God’s help with a problem, I take whatever action is possible, knowing that every step brings me closer to the solution.

For Today:  There is no problem I cannot take to God, and none for which God does not have a solution.
 When I fight a problem, I DO give it strength, thereby weakening my chances of finding a solution.

Just like when I fight my disease of compulsive overeating............I give IT power instead of ME and God.

When I try to change my food plan, 'just this once', I am fighting instead of surrendering.

When I try to make decisions about which foods to eat, I am fighting..........I am arguing with a disease that does not compromise.

I leave my life in God's hands, I keep my food plan written in stone & not subject to change, and I work my program to the best of my ability, knowing that guidance WILL come when I ask for it.

For today, I surrender my powerlessness over food and allow God to direct my life.

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