Sunday, October 30, 2011

For Today: October 30th

It were endless to dispute upon everything that is disputable.
William Penn

A statement frequently heard in OA is, "I resigned from the debating society."  Debate is possible on virtually every subject under the sun.  Do I want to spend the rest of my life arguing about the right and wrong way to proceed on everything from Higher Power to food plans?

If someone insists on practices that seem wrong to me, I have a number of options: call for group conscience, go to another meeting; give up graciously.

For Today: I am in OA to recover from compulsive overeating, not to debate.


I used to be the type of person to argue ALL the time.  I had to be 'right'.  I had to win an argument, and allow it to be discussed forever.

Today, I need recovery MORE than I need a 'good' argument.  Who cares if I'm right or wrong?  Who cares if I have the answer but don't GIVE it? 

Today, I can let it all go.  Today, I can nod my head in agreement with someone even if I privately disagree with him. 

Arguing gets my stomach makes me feel like I am responsible for running the world......for making others see 'the truth'.

The only truth that's pertinent for ME is MY truth and God's truth.  The OA program leads me to the honest truth and for today, that's the only truth I care to know.

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