Friday, May 10, 2013

Food for Thought: May 10th


Habit can work for us or against us. We have given up a set of eating habits, which were counterproductive, and we are learning new ones which will work to our benefit. Some of us require more time than others to make the shift.

Each time we act according to the old, destructive pattern, we reactivate those negative habits. We need to abandon them completely so that they will atrophy from disuse.

Each time we practice a constructive eating habit, we reinforce our new pattern. Writing out a food plan, weighing and measuring the food, eating slowly, and saying no thank you to seconds and binge foods are a few parts of the new pattern. When these actions become habitual, we do not have to think consciously about them, since we perform them automatically. Our mental efforts may then be devoted to something else.

Appetite is largely a function of habit. The more wrong foods we eat, the more wrong foods we want to eat. The longer we follow a healthy, sensible plan, the more it satisfies us.

Teach me to build constructive habits.

From Food for Thought: Daily Meditations for Overeaters by Elisabeth L. ©1980, 1992 by Hazelden Foundation.

We have given up a set of eating habits............or have we? Do we make exceptions? Drive to the store and buy a bag of candy or some other trigger food, pretending it'll be 'just this once'? Then standing by to watch it happen over and over and OVER again?

If we do not abandon the destructive eating habits, they NEVER fade away, they just get stronger! Only when we abandon them completely do they atrophy from disuse.  Every time I wake up my taste buds with trigger foods, I set myself BACK and run the risk of not being able to recommit to my food plan.

Following the Medifast program for 8 months is what taught me to eat 6 small, healthy meals a day on a regular schedule.  Following that pattern enabled me to change my eating habits and to put my addiction into remission.  Now that I've been in maintenance for 4+ years, I've allowed some of the bad habits to resurface.  The more wrong foods I eat, the more wrong foods I WANT to eat!

The only way out is through: when I go back to an abstinent food plan is when I am at peace and not craving.  Only when I let the trigger foods out do I struggle.

For today, I will stick to my food plan 100% with no exceptions.  Today I will build constructive habits and not reinforce destructive habits.

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