Monday, August 22, 2011

For Today: August 21st (Sorry I got the days reversed.....)

Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.
Arthur Schopenhauer

When I was overeating, did I ever imagine that life could be any different than it was?  No; there was no way out, I was sure of it.  Sometimes, in a dilemma, I still tend to think there's no way out.  I accept that feeling, but today I know it is only that---a feeling, not a fact.  My experience tells me there is a solution and it will come in time, as I become willing to let go and let a Power outside myself take charge.  Giving up control means growing up; my experience broadens, my pleasures expand, my usefulness to others increases and my horizon--like God's world--is limitless.

For Today:  I turn over to God the concerns of the moment, knowing that the answers will come and, with them, a new awareness and greater depth of understanding.


It's easy to feel like there's 'no way out' of difficult situations.......and it's easy to confuse my feelings with facts.  Waiting for a solution to present itself can be excruciating..........but this is where Faith comes into play BIG time.  I do the footwork, and leave the rest to God, waiting for an answer to be presented to me.  Sometimes it comes as a intuition........and sometimes I wake up with an obvious answer to my dilemma, even though I didn't dream about it.

This is God working through me, in me, with me.  He gives me answers every time I ask Him to.  The answers may not come in MY time......but they do come!

I surrender my powerlessness over LIFE every day, and ask God to take my hand & show me the way. 

For today, I pray to give up my concerns of the moment, with faith and belief that I am being guided by God to take the right path.

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