Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Language of Letting Go: September 26th

Feeling Protected

Our task is not a naive one of feeling safe, of living and loving in a utopian world. One woman commented that our task is making ourselves feel safe while learning to live and love in a world that is unsafe.

We do not want to dwell on the danger for that gives power to the negative. Neither do we want to ignore them or pretend they don't exist.

If we were going to sunbathe, we would not be naive about the dangers from the sun. We know that harmful rays can burn. We would take steps to protect ourselves, so that we could enjoy the benefits of the sun.

That is our task in recovery.

This is what a woman, a helping professional, told me:

Picture a sunscreen surrounding you. Place it around yourself - not too heavy and thick so no light can penetrate, and not so thin that you are exposed to danger.

See yourself protected by a sunscreen that is effective. Make certain that the screen is open to the good. For a while, your screen was too heavy. It held back what you wanted. Now change it to let the good come through.

This is your screen for life and the world. See it. Imagine it surrounding you always. It wraps you in love, in comfort, in protection. No harm can enter. No negative energy can penetrate the screen.

Go in peace; go in safety. Go now, knowing you are protected. Go anywhere you need to go. The evil has been blocked; the goodwill comes pouring forth. You do not have to work so hard at protecting yourself. You can relax and enjoy life trusting that you are safe. Go without fear, for you are wrapped in love and protection. And you shall always be.

Today, I will envision myself wrapped in a shield that blocks the negative and harmful rays of the world, but it is constructed so that the good can enter.

From The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie ©1990, Hazelden Foundation.

I love this reading, it is so spot-on! We compulsive eaters tend to build walls to protect ourselves, but walls keep people OUT.  We are working towards allowing others INTO our lives nowadays, so the sunscreen analogy is an excellent one.

As we break down the walls, brick by brick, we can replace that wall with a filter out the negative but allow the positive to get in.  God will protect us & wrap us up in love while we go about our daily business. We no longer have to live in fear & negativity, but with faith & a whole new zest for life.

For today, I will envision myself wrapped in a shield that blocks the negative & harmful rays of the world, but is constructed so that the good can enter.  

 What you can do with now

Even when the day gets off to a bad start you can still give it a good ending. Just because you have been unproductive doesn't mean you have to stay that way.

Look back at the opportunities you've missed just long enough to give yourself a little inspiration. Then look ahead to the opportunities that you now can fulfill.

What's important now is what you can do with now. This is the first moment of a more effective, more productive, more purposeful you.

The delays, setbacks and disappointments are over. It is now time to leave the excuses behind as you move persistently ahead.

Sit still for a moment and absorb the amazing energy of opportunity that is now yours. Then stand up and get busy making meaningful use of all that opportunity.

What you can do with now is whatever you choose. Choose the best, and find real joy in lifting your whole world higher.

Ralph Marston - The Daily Motivator

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