Tuesday, November 29, 2011

For Today: November 29th

Our knowledge is a little island in a great ocean of non-knowledge.
Isaac Bashevis Singer

The pride of humankind often edges into arrogance.  Comparing ourselves with the rest of earth’s inhabitants tends to give us a sense of godlike superiority.  Human history shows that, individually and collectively, those who are overly impressed with their knowledge may have closed their minds to anything new.  The annals of science and medicine are filled with such examples.

The assumption of knowledge is incompatible with humility, which is the state of being teachable.  “We know only a little,”  states the Big Book; and “more will be revealed to us.”

In this program, it is suggested that we put aside our knowledge and keep an open mind.

For Today:  I may know what I think I know, but I can put it aside for what I have yet to learn.


"Knowledge" is quite useless where compulsive overeating is concerned.  I can read dozens of diet books, filled with scientific facts about how to lose weight, and they won't do me one bit of good.  I can devour books on the subject of eating 'in moderation' and how to incorporate trigger foods into my life without a problem.


I will never be a 'normal eater' and no book on earth will change that fact.

All the knowledge in the world will not help me deal with my disease of compulsive overeating, which is why I don't read them.

My spirituality needs instruction, not my brain.  God does for me what no amount of knowledge on earth can do.  The 12 steps teach me how to live an abstinent lifestyle and my fellow OAs keep me humble & teachable.  When I listen to their struggles and their stories, I feel a sense of belonging and acceptance that I cannot find elsewhere.

When I keep an open mind is when I stay teachable and receptive to what God has to tell me. 

For today, I will work on my intuitive abilities instead of trying to cram knowledge into my brain.  For today, I will surrender to God and to my program with the knowledge that OA is the perfect path for me.

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