Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Language of Letting Go: July 28th


One day, I decided to try something new. I took my ten-year-old son out on the St. Croix River on a Waverunner. A Waverunner is a small boating vehicle resembling a motorcycle.

We donned life jackets and embarked on an experience that turned out to be both exhilarating and frightening; exhilarating when I let myself enjoy it; frightening when I thought too much about what I was doing and all the terrible things that could happen.

Midway though our ride, my worst fear came true. We took a spill. We were floundering in thirty feet of water. The Waverunner was bobbing on the waves in front of me, like a motorized turtle on it back.

"Don't panic," my son said calmly.

"What if we drown?" I objected.

"We can't," he said. "We have life jackets on. See! We're floating."

"The machine is upside down," I said. "How are we going to turn it over?"

"Just like the man said," my son answered. "The arrow points this way."

With an easy gesture, we turned the machine right side up. "What if we can't climb back on?" I asked.

"We can," my son replied. "That's what Waverunners were made for: climbing on in the water."

I relaxed and as we drove off, I wondered why I had become so frightened. I thought maybe it's because I don't trust my ability to solve problems. Maybe it's because once I almost drowned when I wasn't wearing a life jacket.

But you didn't drown then either; a small voice inside reassured me. You survived.

Don't panic.

Problems were made to be solved. Life was made to be lived. Although sometimes we may be in over our heads - yes, we may even go under for a few moments and gulp a few mouthfuls of water, we won't drown. We're wearing - and always have been wearing - a life jacket. That support jacket is called "God."

Today, I will remember to take care of myself. When I get in over my head, God is there supporting me - even when my fears try to make me forget. 

From The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie ©1990, Hazelden Foundation.

 I love the smell of
the universe in the

Neil deGrasse Tyson

You are a match for this universe—a
perfect fit. The intelligence that is
you easily and naturally attracts
all of the various atoms to build a body
that houses that intelligence during
your sojourn here. You are aligned with
Universal Law in your physical beingness,
and you have a wonderful mind that
allows you to express creatively through
your physical body. It is really quite
miraculous when you think about it.
So, as long as you are here, you might
as well make the most of it. Are you doing
that? Making the most of it, that is? Are
you living fully, expressing creatively,
loving, and being loved? No? Why not?
Is something the matter? Have you
developed the wrong impression? What’s
going on?

Everyone is a perfect fit for this place
we call the universe. No, really, we are.
If you have been misinformed about this
by those who came before you, well, let’s
move beyond all that limitation, shall we?
Right now would be a good place to start.

So let’s do this!

I suggest that you begin by giving
yourself permission to live fully. Only you
can do this, you know. No one can do
it for you. Just you. So go ahead. Shout,
“I give myself permission to live fully
because I am a perfect fit in this universe!”
Good to finally live in the truth, isn’t it?

I give myself
permission to live
fully. I am a perfect
fit for this universe
and for this world. I
step into my greatness
and bring my
intense love into
expression. Right

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