Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Recovery Meditations: July 2nd


"One small step for a man ~
One giant leap for mankind."
Neil Armstrong

When I came into program, I was very overwhelmed by the idea of commitment. The thought of committing to a food plan or exercise regime was more than I could comprehend; in fact, I would feel panic rising in me at the thought of it. I would have dreams of being a mouse caught in a corner with nowhere to run. I would throw in the proverbial monkey wrench after a short time, and soon be on my own turf ... the desperation and depression which were my "old friends" would reappear, and I would be back into my "safe" and always-waiting disease.

This recovery program taught me "one day at a time;" it taught me to put one foot in front of the other; that for one day I could do what I couldn't do, or even fathom doing, for a lifetime. This is how I found abstinence. Breaking up my days, weeks, months and years into 24-hour periods allows me to live in the now, and not feel swallowed up in thinking that I have to do this for the rest of my life.

One Day at a Time . . .
The steps may seem small, it may even look as though I'm not moving at all, but with God's help I make giant leaps toward wellness and peace of mind.

~ Shana


Before I found Recovery, I was in charge of running the world. I would live in the past or project the future, so the thought of losing 100 lbs was SO overwhelming that I felt incapable of committing to a program.  Then I decided to embrace the 'one day at a time' mentality...............realizing I didn't have to worry about the future or the 'big picture', just about TODAY.  For 24 hours, I can do ANYTHING! I learned to rely on God for strength, and to repeat the following phrase:

"Dear God, please feed my hunger & restore my right mind."

When I have thoughts of a binge, I am not IN my right mind! No matter how much I eat, it won't be 'enough' anyway,because there is no such thing as 'enough' with regard to trigger foods. When I ask God to help me regain my right mind, then thoughts of a binge dissipate.  All I have to do is commit to NOT taking that first compulsive bite, and I'm golden.  With the tools of program and God by my side, I have everything I need to find and maintain Recovery, one day at a time.

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