Saturday, April 13, 2013

The Language of Letting Go: April 13th


One of the prohibitions many of us learned in childhood is the unspoken rule — don't have fun and enjoy life. This rule creates martyrs — people who will not let themselves embrace the pleasures of day-to-day living.

Many of us associated suffering with some sort of sainthood. . Now, we associate it with codependency. We can go through the day making ourselves feel anxious, guilty, miserable, and deprived. Or we can allow ourselves to go through that same day feeling good. In recovery, we eventually learn the choice is ours.

There is much to be enjoyed each day, and it is okay to feel good. We can let ourselves enjoy our tasks. We can learn to relax without guilt. We can even learn to have fun.

Work at learning to have fun. Apply yourself with dedication to learning enjoyment. Work as hard at learning to have fun as you did at feeling miserable.

Our work will pay off. Fun will become fun. Life will become worth living. And each day, well find many pleasures to be enjoyed.

Today, I will let myself enjoy life as I go through my day.

From The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie ©1990, Hazelden Foundation.


Peacefully confident

Whatever may come, you can handle. However this day may play out, you can bring new goodness and value to life.

Set your goals, make your plans, and commit to your intentions. Then allow them all to unfold as they will.

Many times the best, most effective way is not the way you originally envisioned. Be willing to learn, to adapt and to celebrate the many ways in which life can go your way.

Remain committed to your intentions, and what seem to be setbacks are not really setbacks at all. When you are driven by authentic purpose, whatever may happen will surely and eventually lead to the fulfillment of that purpose.

Live each moment with the confidence of knowing that you are heading in the direction you've chosen. Rise above the minor ups and downs, focused always on the positive purpose that pushes you ever forward.

Today is another rich and fulfilling part of the journey. Embrace all that this day brings, and grow more peacefully confident with every moment.

Ralph Marston

I was married for 22 years to a man who did not allow 'fun' was against his religion, I think, the religion of self-centered EGO!  When we'd go out, people would literally say to me, "Gee, he doesn't allow you to have FUN, does he?"  The last 5 years of the marriage, I didn't GO OUT with him anymore, it was more trouble than it was worth.

If I have to live a life in fear of what bad things may come my way, well, that's not LIVING at all. My mother lives in constant, chronic fear, and it prevents her from being happy, EVER, under any circumstances. It's pitiful, really.  She lives in the future, when bad things will happen, even though they never DO happen, she insists they WILL.  Paralyzing fear of the future prevents her from living in the NOW and enjoying IT.

For today, I will smile. I will be happy. I will enjoy Life, because I will ALLOW myself to.  Yesterday is gone & tomorrow isn't here yet.  Saturday, April 13th is all I have.  I intend to make the most of it!

Till we meet again, Namaste. 

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