Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Recovery Meditations: October 24th


“Fear is not created by the world around us,
but in the mind, by what we think is going to happen.”

Elizabeth Gawain

There are different kinds of fear. Certain fears are good, because they help preserve our lives. Babies, for example, have a fear of falling. It just seems to be a natural instinct. Any fear that protects us from harming ourselves is a good fear.

However, when fear becomes an obsession, it is getting out of hand. Why do we go looking for trouble? There is a saying, “Don’t let clouds of fear of the morrow hide today’s sunshine.” We can get so anxious about what’s going to happen in the future that we don’t enjoy living today.

Life is a precious gift to be lived one day at a time, and is to be shared with others.

One Day at a Time . . .
This is how I will live my life: One day at a time, one moment at a time, sharing my precious gift with another through Twelve Step giving.

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My Blog
The "one day at a time" philosophy of all the 12 step programs is in place for a reason & has a deeper's not just an old saw.  One-day-at-a-time means that we agree to live in the NOW, to appreciate the moment and to stop projecting about the future or dwelling in the past.  For compulsive people, this is a HUGE undertaking! Many of us simply do not embrace this concept; we are so rooted in past hurts or in matters of the future that the moments of life that really matter are LOST.

We want what we want & we want it NOW.  Our self-will runs riot. We stamp our feet with impatience, waiting for a 'magical' day when life will be perfect, which usually means "When I Am Thin".  

Life IS perfect NOW.  We are perfect NOW. We are children of God and our souls are unblemished & utterly perfect right at this very moment.  All that is real is happening NOW.  What happened two minutes ago no longer exists, and what is going to happen 2 minutes from now is merely a hallucination. 

When we live for tomorrow, we are embracing fantasy.  We tend to project a future where life will be as we would like it to be, where there will be no pain & no frustration, where we will be thin & life will finally be grand.  Then, we get to that place, perhaps, and find that nothing IS as we'd hoped it WOULD be.  

Expectations breed resentments.  Living in the 'could-have-been/should-have-been/woud-have-been' mentality is to miss out on the beauty of what exists right NOW.  And that, my friends, is the ONLY reality that matters.

For today, I will appreciate all the precious moments of my life.  I will marvel at the beauty of nature, the smile of a small child, and choose to feel contentment with what is happening NOW.  Yesterday is gone & tomorrow isn't here yet, so I will focus on the Moment and enjoy it to the best of my ability.

For today, I allow myself to forget the past & the future as I focus on what is real right NOW.

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